
You are currently browsing posts of the "photography" tag.

Award Winner

Sigma Adria – Sigma Spring Spectrum Award This Photograph of a man on a Vespa riding with his dog won the first price at the #SigmaSpringSpectrum contest! It also granted me the contract for Sigma Brand Ambassador and a very nice full frame camera body!

Interview: Looker Weekly

Fotograf Marko Marković: “Kako da u ograničenim uslovima uradimo nešto kreativno?” Svaki stvaralac će vam reći da je poriv za kreativnim ostvarenjem bezmalo jednak osnovnim životnim potrebama. Kad je, iz nekog razloga, okruženje takvo da mu je uskraćen prostor za umetničku produktivnost, umetnik trpi, intelektualno, emotivno i finansijski. Ipak, dobra vest je da, većinom, umetnici pronalaze ...

The Clone Wars

  As a relationship with my girlfriend suddenly ended, It inspired me to create this clone-story. I have tried to explain to myself how this all happened. Doing so, I have realized it was a battle between me and my universe.