The Joy of Shooting with a 1965 Kodak Instamatic 104
Kodak Instamatic 104.
Picked up this camera when i was still in high school and it was sleeping in a dusty box at my parents since. Day job and lack of interest for photography kept it there for years. Until i finally found few rolls of expired 126 cartrige film on a flee market and took a ride down the memory lane.
Kodak Instamatic 104 is a very simple point-and-shoot camera using film preloaded in drop-in plastic cartridges with 12, 20 or 24 exposures. I had the 24 exposure Polaroid HD 200 expired in 1996.
Taking a break from having to concentrate on white balance, custom function buttons, TTL flash, focus areas, and navigating endless camera menus, was indeed a purifying experience. Results came out interesting to look at. With those unexpected twists that set any great photo apart.
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